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Monday, April 12, 2010

New year, new us.

OK, so I know it is April already, and I have not posted since last year. Jacob was born on March 15th after a scheduled induction. I know there are a lot of people that will condemn me for having an induction, but it was for the best. I would not have had the help that I needed had I not agreed to it. Jacob will be 4 weeks on Monday and he seems to be doing well aside from my overactive letdown when he is breastfeeding. He is a very easygoing baby and loves to be held. He absolutely refuses to sleep in the bassinet, so we co-sleep. It makes it much easier on breastfeeding and allowing me to get more rest though. He was 6 lbs. 7.9 oz. and 19" at birth , at 1 week he was 6 lbs. 10 oz. (Jacob did not lose any weight after birth) and at 2 weeks he was 7 lbs. 1 oz. I will see how much weight he has gained on Monday. I have started my cloth diaper stash and now have 19. Everyone that I talk to still thinks I am crazy for going this route, but I am sticking to my guns. I am well aware of the extra energy and time that will be invested into this but I am especially aware of the money we will be saving. I also have a diaper sprayer, so that will make the job easier. As of right now, Jacob is wearing disposibles until he can fit into the cloth diapers that I bought.

Alej is still having problems at school, but it seems to be less frequent now. We have set goals that he has to reach before he can get a reward. Twice now, he has gotten within a couple of days of getting his reward when he pulled something and blew it. I don't know what is going through his head! We finally had the intake with the new facility last month and just receive a phone call a couple of days ago to make his appointment for the full psychiatric evaluation. We have to wait until next month. Ugh! He is continuing his supplements and they are still helping, but they don't seem to be enough anymore. Aside from the trouble at school, we have daily struggles getting Alej to get his homework done. I mean really, 2 hours for 3rd grade homework?! He spaces out and when Zavie and I try to explain what needs to be done, he looks at us like we are speaking a foreign language! How many times can you explain simple multiplication before you sound like a broken record? It is almost the end of the year and I am afraid that if he doesn't get it soon, Alej will be held back and repeating 3rd grade. If that happens, then he will be doing the same work with Elijah. Elijah on the other hand, is doing wonderfully. His grades are great, he behaves perfectly at school (except for a couple of mishaps) and he gets his homework done within half an hour of coming home. The only problems I have with him is getting him to spend time with the family and not hiding in his room and the usual protests of getting his chores done. How can they be so completely different?

On another note, Raymond is having eating jags where we can't get him to take a single bite of his food, or he will take two bites and run off and hide. He cries for candy (which I have pretty much cut out of his diet) and threatens me if I don't give him what he wants. I bought organic treats and Pediasure to try to get him to eat healthier, but it doesn't seem to be working, I even have to stand over him to make sure that he drinks the entire bottle or eats the entire snack. Why is my child starving himself? Is is too much to ask for him to eat? Time to go for now, hopefully I remember to post next week!

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