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Sunday, December 13, 2009

It has been a couple of months since I last posted. Alej is doing good, but I think we need something else to add to his regimen. I will be 25 weeks tomorrow and found out 5 weeks ago that we are having another boy! His name will be Jacob Daniel. He is healthy so far, just measuring big. The last I was told, he was measuring a week ahead. At my appt. last week, the doctor said that he was measuring larger so I will need another U/S to see how he is doing. I don't think I am going to make it to my due date at this rate! Raymond has recently been diagnosed with allergies and asthma, so he is on daily meds and a nebulizer treatment twice a day. I knew that it was a possibility that one of my children would have asthma, I was just hoping that it would bypass them all. Elijah is doing wonderful. He still has issues with his allergies, but otherwise he has no problems and is excelling in school. Alej was recently in the school spelling bee as the 3rd grade representative. He came out in 3rd place, with a 4th grader as the winner. I go back to the doctor on January 4th (Raymond's birthday!) and we will see how Jacob is doing. I will post again then!